Saturday, January 24, 2009

A week? It's been a week? Yep, it's been a week. On a day when it was warmer and we didn't have rain yet, all of my lawn ornaments were removed hence and placed in the garage. Oops. Now they are in the way. Nevermind that I did not put them there. And I am afraid they will stay til I can get to them or HE will throw them out (where he would like them to be anyway). (Are you laughing yet?)

Next, I went to an elementary school as a rotating teacher for the afternoon of Thursday. 45 minutes in one class and 40 in the other. Easy dollars that day, but next time they will probably make me actually EARN the money. Mmmm. Then I was the PE teacher? Hah! We all laughed and maybe even scoffed. I was not sad that the fourth grade decided to go swimming and so two of my classes weren't. When it finally gelled the rest of the day went in an interesting and PE fashion.

On a sad note I have learned that an old friend is suffering from Parkinson's and is actually in a "home" which I have not found out the particulars about. He lost his wife a few years ago to small cell non cancer cancer. It got her rather quickly once diagnosed. I wish I could "be there for him" but not knowing how to get hold of him poses the main problem. So does distance, but I can write or call once I know.

So this has been a ... week. Not come see, not come saw. But only come.

When are we looming? You have not called.

This will make you smile anyway since I bombed on the laughter: I took my little granddaughter with me in the car last Sunday and when we turned the corner to the east she cried out: "Snowflake!" at my friend's wonderful "star above the treetops." Well, it made ME smile anyway. But grandmas usually do.


  1. In the "olden days" my grandfather would occasionally hide -- yes, hide -- kitchen utensils that got in his way. I think his favorite place to stash them was on top of the cupboards where Grandma couldn't see. She found them when she was housecleaning. And I don't think there was much smiling about it. :-)

  2. I should be more specific? Little grandchildren often make their grandmas smile. By the way, your grandfather sounds a bit familiar...

  3. Isn't that the truth, that little grandchildren make their grandmas smile! I love to be around mine because they lift me up. What a joy grandchildren are!

  4. I think this post is to a fellow spy. What does "When are we looming? You have not called."
    I think that is spy message. I will answer.

    Meet at the lamppost at midnight.

    Over and out,

  5. I think in spite of myself I just might be having fun! Which lamppost and who's bringing the popcorn?

  6. Dear Tess,

    Your Derbervilles are showing. the butter will be browned. Repeat. Browned.

    Sease and desist,
