Saturday, January 10, 2009

Today, I have spent time in fourth grade, time with my dad, time at a card class with wonderful friends, and time with one of my sons and his family. I haven't spent enough time on this new project, i.e. this blog. And now I am trying to plan dinner for Sunday for 20 - 25 people. Which is crazy even tho I do it every month because there is NOWHERE in this house for that many people to actually be let alone eat and have kids running around. But, you know, it's family and I usually stand a little back and watch and feel blessed that they are all here and will tolerate each other for just a little while.

One day I will get things together enough to pass out assignments for dinner and not feel obliged to do it all myself. It is very expensive to feed that many and also exhausting. Well, enough of that.

We made some really cute cards at our card class tonight. (Frankly, we do EVERY time.) What an island of enjoyment that is. I wander and am not keeping a thought very well so I am through for tonight.


  1. I so admire you for having dinner for your whole family once a month. I must think about this. I must think about it for a long time. I must...nope, my brain overloaded and burned out.

  2. I can't believe anyone was up as late as me! I knew I smelled fire somewhere.
