Monday, February 23, 2009

Still no pictures. I just don't know how to do that. If I did you would see a picture of Joe Bandidos and a plate of fajita burrito dinner. Pretty good. Half went home and fed Alex. The people we went to dinner with are friends of John's from forever. We were all married on the same day and attended each other's wedding.

Then I would show a picture of my dad's family room --- which is far worse than mine could ever be! --- and maybe even a picture of all the cars that swarm to the front of his home. Who do they all belong to? And after that and bleepin' picture of comcast whom my father despises! He has such trouble accessing voice mail. (After all, he can't possibly be pushing the wrong numbers!) Finally we discovered that you can access your voice mail at home by dialing *99. Who knew? And after that you can turn off the need for a pin number or code or whatever. Maybe some of the angst will disappear now. We shall see at the first message.

Walking in the rain wasn't so bad. The aftermath is however. I gotta try to fix this hair or start all over...

Two Sacrament Meetings for one day. That's enough, wouldn't you think? So that's what we did. Friends speaking in one and another friend speaking as a "farewell" which we don't do anymore. Off she is to Samoa for 18 months. Good for her and good for them. She will be a fantastic missionary.

Then a quiet evening at home with Angela and Samantha. This grandma wouldn't even have minded a quiet evening with the other 12. What can I say. I love them all.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The library is a cool place. Checking books in and out is a cool thing to do. Telling The Three Bears six times is a cool thing to do. Watching a sixth grade readers theater of Spiderella is a cool thing to do. (What!) It was funny.

Being through with school for the day at 1:00pm and getting a full day's pay is a cool thing.

Now I am hunting for shamrocks to hang in my trees outside. There is still time to have a good day!
I owe this to someone who is supposed to look here for it:
The words to a crazy song:

I once knew a man who had 12 teeth --
Five on the top and five underneath;
One in the middle, that left one more...
That he kept back home in the bureau drawer.

"Yes," he said. "That is the truth!
That one is my very best tooth,
So I keep it home, safe and sound,
In my bureau drawer!"

Have a good day and don't lose your "very best tooth!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today is Yesterday

Cannery hair is really ugly!

After the cannery I went to my dad's to clean a little bit. I received a call from a friend who found herself stranded at the airport in need of a ride home. Her friend had dissed her once again. I think this is the third time I have heard that story and then been Rescue Ranger! It's all ok. I got her home and then went home to do the dinner thingy. After that we found ourselves on the other side of a church desk and wait now for further light and knowledge.

Now I must face the dentist. None know my anguish. This is no easy thing for me to do. I think I might possible prefer a mammogram, but since it won't show where the cavities (decay) are I don't think that is an option. Besides I have had the lifetime limit (2) and so I'm good to go. But not with the dentist. My heart sounds and feels like the machinery at the cannery!

I have been thanked for last week. What do they know, eh?

Well, since the tomato soup is in the can, I had better go to bed. Thanks for everything.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

End of the Week

All things considered, the school week has ended in a calm and satisfactory fashion. Other than children whose families took them out of town and one little boy who couldn't come today, all the children were at school with smiles and hugs available to even me, the sub. We got thru it all ok. I only hope the teacher is satisfied with the way things have been handled. But it's not my worry anymore.

Looking forward: singing at Jamestown, taking my dad for a drive, tomato soup at the cannery, dentist (yuk), substituting in the library. I should try for pictures like some people do. But I have so many shoulds jockeying for first position, I'll just keep hoping that for now I can keep up writing every few days. Sorry it is that I haven't anything juicier for you to read.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Days 2 and 3

Because of card class last night I didn't "blog" and so here are two for one days. Not that it matters. Second day was still ok; until I found out on the third day (today) that a mom who had helped in the class Tues morning has complained to the principal that I was too mean to the children. I spoke too harshly. As an obvious result (now that I know this) that little boy didn't come to school today and probably won't the rest of the week. Oh well ...

Today we fell apart, probably at the seams. Hopefully we can mend some of those seams by tomorrow. One girl, after lunch, sat in her chair and cried---first tears, then sobs, then heaves, then wails. I took her by the hand and led her to the office where I left her in the capable hands (since mine are most assuredly not) and mom was called and came and collected poor dearie and took her home---where I am most certain she was not made to be responsible for anything. I can't wait to see some of these children in about ten to fifteen years. I hope they aren't taking care of older folks then. Another girl was crying quietly. I never found out what her problem was. These two tearing up the place made a boy cry who told me it made him miss his uncle who died many years ago. Oh, Please! I want to go home.

Well, tomorrow I have pledged to leave ALL lectures home and come only prepared to teach the lessons. I quake to think what this promise really means. But I will truly try.

And then Friday is the Valentine's party and I don't even know what to expect from that. I wish me luck. Who knows when I will come up for air again.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 1 - Second Grade

So much warning; so much ado about nothing. The day was uneventful and so I am arming my insides for change tomorrow. The only thing we didn't do well was the math lesson on how to describe 3 digit numbers. But we will review Tuesday and I think they will get it.

I didn't realize that I would be there for the Valentine's Party, so I probably should be getting valentines for these kiddos. Probably should for my own also.

Speaking of my own, there will be another little grandchild join our happy clan come this fall. I always thrill to hear the news. I am one.

Onward, then, to the next day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The night is gone.

The food is gone.

The families are gone.

My stomach has gone---sour.

The rendition of cacauphony was "enjoyed" from New Jersey to Las Vegas. And in between.

Sadly, however, the mess has not gone.

Now to prepare for the second grade. I look forward already for the distractions of Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Today is Second Sunday Dinner at our house. We all come home and celebrate the birthdays of the month. This month, February, we celebrate JimBob, who has turned five; Miss Nicki, whose age can't be revealed unless she tells me I can; Sir John, who has the distinction of becoming one this year; my sister-in-law who knows how to play games and have tons of fun and laughter and makes puppy chow; My favorite fifth son, FireFighterMan, who loves his wife and beautiful children, loves triathalons and his dog, and still knows it's important to love mom---so he does.

There will be a cacauphonous rendition of happy to you that can only be rendered by those who truly know how to sing. Since two of my guys sang with Vocal Point, and the rest inherited same qualities, you can imagine what they COULD sound like if they wanted to make me cry (which has happened).

I usually fix roast, potatoes, gravy and such; or lasagna, salad, garlic bread;and a variety of other menus, but later today they will be greeted by a potato bar! You will have to stay tuned to see if they think that is a meal fit for a family or not.

Always a cake decorated with M and Ms. Homemade chocolate frosting (with lots left over so they can 'spoon' before dinner!)

Today there will be 22 for dinner with an additional 4 to 10 more coming for ice cream and cake. It's crowded (no, really?) but very satisfying to have family around.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some sensitive soul sent me this:
"If the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is eat a live frog, then nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day!"

Now this surely sounds true, at first hear (sight). But I'm thinking of a list that might contradict. It's just so blatantly silly it makes you laugh momentarily.

And, my friend with the decorations in the carport still --- at least they aren't lining the hallways in the basement!

Not much to share or important to say but at least there is an inscription for the day. So long.