Friday, February 20, 2009

The library is a cool place. Checking books in and out is a cool thing to do. Telling The Three Bears six times is a cool thing to do. Watching a sixth grade readers theater of Spiderella is a cool thing to do. (What!) It was funny.

Being through with school for the day at 1:00pm and getting a full day's pay is a cool thing.

Now I am hunting for shamrocks to hang in my trees outside. There is still time to have a good day!


  1. You are certainly cool, especially on this day that was un-cool--as in WARM--and that is cool too. Yah spring and shamrocks and whatever you want to hang on your tree.

    Your's in coolness and meet at the lamppost at midnight or maybe wait for more warmth,

  2. I will watch for those hanging shamrocks! I guess it it time to take valentine's decorations down. Thanks for the reminder.
