Monday, February 23, 2009

Still no pictures. I just don't know how to do that. If I did you would see a picture of Joe Bandidos and a plate of fajita burrito dinner. Pretty good. Half went home and fed Alex. The people we went to dinner with are friends of John's from forever. We were all married on the same day and attended each other's wedding.

Then I would show a picture of my dad's family room --- which is far worse than mine could ever be! --- and maybe even a picture of all the cars that swarm to the front of his home. Who do they all belong to? And after that and bleepin' picture of comcast whom my father despises! He has such trouble accessing voice mail. (After all, he can't possibly be pushing the wrong numbers!) Finally we discovered that you can access your voice mail at home by dialing *99. Who knew? And after that you can turn off the need for a pin number or code or whatever. Maybe some of the angst will disappear now. We shall see at the first message.

Walking in the rain wasn't so bad. The aftermath is however. I gotta try to fix this hair or start all over...

Two Sacrament Meetings for one day. That's enough, wouldn't you think? So that's what we did. Friends speaking in one and another friend speaking as a "farewell" which we don't do anymore. Off she is to Samoa for 18 months. Good for her and good for them. She will be a fantastic missionary.

Then a quiet evening at home with Angela and Samantha. This grandma wouldn't even have minded a quiet evening with the other 12. What can I say. I love them all.


  1. Two sacrament meetings in 1 day? I'd say that is getting double the blessings. Was it Dianne you went to hear? If so, I want to hear about her talk, as she won't say much!

  2. How did I miss this? I've been waiting all week for Zippy to quit hiding out!

    I want to see all the things I couldn't see. Pam W. taught me how to add photos. You just click on the blue icon at the top of your blog box, right next to the spell check. It should take you to your photos. If you want to post more than one photo you can add up to five at a time by clicking on "add another image."

    Photos really are fun to add. And I'd LOVE to see all the things you talked about, especially a family room that is worse than mine!

    And I want some of that Joe Bandido's food. Is that a restaurant or just your own personal food? Whatever it is I think I need my own Bandito Grande.

    I started this HOURS ago. You may have blogged by now. I'll post this and see.
