Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some sensitive soul sent me this:
"If the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is eat a live frog, then nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day!"

Now this surely sounds true, at first hear (sight). But I'm thinking of a list that might contradict. It's just so blatantly silly it makes you laugh momentarily.

And, my friend with the decorations in the carport still --- at least they aren't lining the hallways in the basement!

Not much to share or important to say but at least there is an inscription for the day. So long.


  1. Well, you gave me my laugh for the morning!

  2. Uh oh. I have boxes from Aunt Dorothy's house going down my steps to the basement. Elizabeth has two humongous shelves and boxes, boxes and more boxes lining the hall upstairs. Our garage is full. So is the basement. I think I'll go eat frogs.

  3. A little salt, a little pepper, maybe some salsa --- make the medicine go down...

  4. Note the day on this blog: TUESDAY! Something is wrong with this date. It's HOW MANY DAYS AGO? Get crackin'. I'm bored.
